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“The perfect simulation of balancing defence & offense. Protect your castle by fortifying your defences but don’t forget to launch monsters to attack your opponent!”

Nature's Borne - Trailer

Nature's Borne is the product of the final assessment in my second year of my Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development at AIE. Our group was a total of four members, comprising of 3 Arts and myself as the solo Programmer. In addition, I was also the groups Producer / Designer. This game was in development for approx. 4 months from July 2021 to November 2021.

During this project I developed the following skills: 

  • Deeper understanding of network programming and learning how to use Mirror in Unity. 

  • Technical proficiency in Unity and Unity C#, as I programmed the entire project myself. 

  • Planning and keeping on track with milestones within a group which I led and directed from concept to release. 

  • Writing a well commented and well formed code base architecture for this game as it was much larger than any game I have previously created. 

The feature I am most proud of is the multiplayer aspect. Prior to this project, I did not have any experience of networking code, nonetheless I was keen to create it this time around. I Learnt a lot about Mirror in Unity and how machines send data across the network outside of Unity. It isn't the best multiplayer experience out there, however it is certainly something I am proud of from starting with no knowledge and having a multiplayer game working within just a few months

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